Sunday, December 22, 2013


Tis the season for giving and receiving. I find it strange that we need a special season to remind us to do what we are created to do. I, however, am realizing that as I age I am more and more amazed at what we feel is important in life.


We, in our culture, are not well versed in receiving. Most of the emphasis is on the importance of giving. Eventually we must realize that until we have learned to receive there is no true giving.


How often we refuse a gift because we feel unworthy; we feel we must earn every thing that comes to us.

To “become again as a little child,”means a willingness to be open and eager to receive.  A willingness to ask for what we want and know that we can have it.


One  Christmas season a client told me she would really like her husband to buy her something personal for Christmas. “He always buys me really nice things like a washer and dryer, or great appliance.” My question was “And how do you react to these gifts?” “Oh” she said “I always respond with excitement and pleasure.”  My question, “Have you told him what you want?”. Her answer, “OH NO, we’ve been together for years; he should know!” My question, “How could he possibly know if you have never told him?”

This story is so typical of the way we go through life not asking for what we want and being disappointed when we don’t get it! This my friends is a definition of insanity!  This is not the way we respond as children. We come forth to this planet letting people know what we want when we want it  and raising hell until we get it!!


Does this mean we should go thru life raising hell to get what we want? NO. What it does mean is that we each must find a way to get in touch with our self, find out what is really important to us, set our intention to follow our own path and bless others to follow their path.


I believe that giving and receiving are one and the same, for it is in the giving of our self, our love, our desire to share, that we receive our greatest joy.


This season and forever give yourself the greatest gift. Begin by believing in you, knowing that you are a unique and wondrous creation. Then remember that you came here to planet earth to be a light for others to find their way. Loving you is the best gift ever.

Margaret Stortz,  a Science of Mind minister, struck a chord in my heart when she said, “Perhaps the greatest of love’s gifts is the constant invitation to recognize it within ourselves and in one another.   Love is not shy. Love is not obscure. It tumbles out during our conversations, trumpets itself through our delights and quietly stands with us through our sorrows. Love never leaves. Love cannot. Love is. “


Yoga Yaya is loving you whoever you are where ever you are – our path is blessed!

Wednesday, November 6, 2013



Peace is a condition of mind brought about by a serenity of soul.

Peace is not simply the absence of war.

it is also a state of mind.

Lasting peace can only come to peaceful people.



“Let there be peace on earth and let it begin with me”

At Oakbrook Center for Spiritual Living we often close our Sunday morning service by singing “Let There Be Peace on earth and let it begin with me”.  I know from my travels that this is a song that is sung in many Unity and Centers for Spiritual Living Churches from coast to coast. Most often we form a circle, holding hands and sing with great gusto.

I often look into the faces in the circle searching for connection, looking for the eyes that say, YES, I AM committed to PEACE ON EARTH! Yes I know that I AM “THE WAY TO PEACE ON EARTH!

You see I truly believe with Gandhi that “if it is to be it is up to me”. I know that If I am to be true to this cause I need ongoing support and  hands to hold and minds to explore. I believe we must all ask ourselves continually “Do I choose to be at peace or do I NEED to be right!!”  

When we need to be right we will keep any argument, upset, or war going for as long as needed to bring the other to their knees; it’s a game of chicken, who will give in first! It’s a game that we must give up if we choose to live in a peaceful world.


First concept to grasp here is – war does not bring peace – killing does not stop killing – hate does not soothe a grieving soul.

I began to find my personal peace through the deaths of my children and grandchildren; not an easy lesson but certainly a lesson not to be ignored.

My son, at the age of 22, broke his back in an accident and was paralyzed from the waist down. When he was 32 he was killed by his best friend who shot him 5 times at close range. When he was asked why he said “I just got tired of listening to the S.O.B.”

As I see it I had several choices: {1} I could hate the perpetrators involved and I could give years and years and tremendous energy to hating and seeking revenge. I could literally destroy my life and become a sick and angry woman.  {2} I could bless them and be at peace knowing that all is in DIVINE ORDER.

My daughter, at the age of 54, was killed by her live-in lover who manipulated and stole thousands of dollars leaving my 17-year-old grandson a penniless orphan.

My beautiful 24-year-old granddaughter, Tasha, died from heroin and alcohol.

My options were the same as above, hate and revenge, or peace.

I truthfully could not hate the persons involved in the deaths if I was to stay true to my belief that death only comes to us when we are ready. This is a belief that became real for me when I experienced my own death and was clearly informed of my option to stay out of body or return to the body. Either way there was no actual death; only the absence of a body.

The master teacher Jesus said, “Do not resist one who is evil. But if anyone strikes you on the right cheek turn to him the other also...” {Mt.5;38,39}. Jesus’ ideal was the power of transcendence. We may not be able to change the outer situation but we can always rise above it by turning to a higher level of consciousness.

A higher level of consciousness for me was to realize that Skip and Tanya were not happy in their bodies and were ready to exit this earthly plane and they found the person who would help them with their exit plan.


If we as a nation are going to thrive and grow, the time has come for us to join together and find a way to live together in peace. As you well know simply telling other nations to stop building nuclear weapons as we continue to build more WILL NOT WORK!


What will work? Each and everyone of us finding our own peace, stopping our own internal war, realizing that we are the one who can make a difference.  You and I working together, supporting one another in love. I don’t know all the answers, but I do know that what we are doing now is not working.

I personally feel that if it is going to happen women must step up to the plate and take the lead. Men do not know the way.

I encourage you to go into your heart and see what you need to do to find your peace. Together we can make a difference.   



Yoga Yaya

Monday, October 7, 2013


Inside of you is a smart, powerful, dynamic, capable,

self-confident, alive, alert, fabulous Woman.

Let her come out and play. The world is waiting for you.


Awakening begins with the simple act of relating in a way that allows Self-revelation.

With that comes love, acceptance, peace, compassion and joy.

Self – Revelation! What does that mean?

I believe it means we are to tune into our heart and get totally honest about

who we really are, who we want to be.

It seems we live a great part of our lives trying to be who they want us to be and

who we think we should be.


I believed when I got married (16yrs. old} if I was the perfect wife all would be well

and I would be loved forever beyond measure!

That of course meant that my house must be spotless, my meals gourmet, and my sex drive insatiable!!

Where in the world did I get these ideas, you ask.

From The leading magazines, books, and advice from my elders.


One day I was awakened from my dream. I discovered that I had three children, a fourth on the way,

a spotless house, gourmet meals on the table, sexy lingerie always available for steamy sex,

and a woman on the phone complaining to me because my husband was cheating on her.

I began to suspect that what I had been led to believe might not be true.


So did I wise up, make some changes and do it differently?

Well – Yes an No!

I got a divorce, a new husband, more children and more of all of the above.

This story goes on many more times before the alarm went off and I awakened.

I took a self imposed time out, and began an exploration to find out who this person was that I was trying to be.

Today my house is not spotless, my meals are often peanut butter and jelly, the sexy lingerie has disappeared

and my fifth spouse is the one I was in training for!


Learning to be me was not always easy, in fact it was often extremely difficult.

I had to go against all my teaching; I  was called on to embrace new ideas, to set new goals.

The most difficult thing I had to do was see me differently. I had to get in touch with my perfect self,

and begin to love myself.

I was put in touch with a wonderful author who wrote about Learning To Love Yourself.

I read and reread, went to seminars and began to teach what I was learning.

I have heard “that we teach best what we most need to learn.” I was an excellent teacher.

Here are some ideas that I have embraced that have led me to a charmed and wonderful life.


If it is true we are created in the image and likeness of our creator,

then it must be,  that we are a perfect creation.

We are “WHOLE, COMPLETE AND PERFECT” just the way we are.

The acceptance of this idea empowers us to move our butt out of our uncomfortable rut

and open our heart to a new and wonderful, love-filled life.


Whenever we are feeling depressed, unloved, unappreciated, sick and tired of being sick and tired,

we can be sure that it is time for a “tune in.”  

A “tune in” means we take a time out and look slowly and clearly at where we are, what we are doing and why!!

We ” tune” in to some self-praise and self-appreciation, do something nice for our self,

and very soon we will be ready to do something nice for someone else.

We cannot give from an empty well; we cannot give love if we are not filled with love.


So right here, right now,  let go of that old teaching that loving yourself is conceited and bad.

Love you more so you can love me more; the more we have the more we give! 

The world needs you and your love now!


Saturday, September 21, 2013

Dare To Dream

Remember when you were a kid and they told you to stop the day dreaming?
Well forget what they told you and begin to dream.  A few months ago  I found myself feeling depressed and listless, which is not my normal self. When I sat myself down and took some time to be still and ask myself what is going on? Self said “without a dream the people perish.” I realized I, for the first time ever, had lost my dreams. I was listening to a world that said I was too old, too slow, too tired, I was never going to be rich and famous!  I was never going to write a best seller book! I was never going to be a well known sought after speaker!
Thank God there was another voice that reminded me of what I had always known: that I can be and do whatever I set my mind to do! I was reminded of the words of Ellen Wheeler Wilcox, “Always continue the climb. It is possible for you to do whatever you choose, if you first get to know who you are and are willing to work with a power that is greater than ourselves to do it.”
The  words to become aware of in this statement are “first get to know who you are.” We are encouraged to get to know others; to listen carefully to what they say and to follow the advice of our elders and teachers and preachers etc. We are  told who we can be and who we can’t be. We are very seldom encouraged to be who we are. So I encourage you today to look beyond what you have been told. Hear the words of Walt Whitman, “Reexamine all that you have been told…..dismiss that which insults your soul.” When we begin to doubt the dreams that call to us we have indeed laid insult on our soul.

The limitations that we accept about ourselves have come from the people around us. We can change our life by believing only the best about our self.
The ninth commandment, “thou shalt not bear false witness,” is not just about how we talk to others, but also applies to how we talk about ourselves. Anytime we take on a label that is not the truth of who we are, we are bearing false witness to the truth of our being.
The truth about me and you is that we are an awesome creation, a powerful and wonderful creation. We can do all things through the power of our creator which dwells within us.
So let’s get busy and dream ourselves into a rich and wonderful, peaceful, loving world.
Remember the words in the song from “South Pacific”

, “ If you don’t have a dream, how you gonna make a dream come true?”

Join “Yoga Yaya” as we dream big and bigger and smile as our dreams come true.

Saturday, September 7, 2013

hello blogging world

75 years old may be too old to connect with a technical world but here goes my first attempt. tune in later to see if I am still sane and speaking to Ron !


This is definitely a learning process. my last post was supposed to show my special chart, what it showed was not what I intended.  I will try again. Patience is a virtue that sometimes escapes me.

PAIN ---------- POWER
LOVE---------- FEAR

Are you living the life you came to live?

This is a question that is ever on my mind ! Am I doing enough? Do I need to do more? Did I say the right thing? Did I say the wrong thing? And on and on and on, and there I am again locked once more on the treadmill of fear, afraid to move, and then I recall the words from the Eagles "you may lose and you may win but you will never be here again, don't let the sound of your own wheels make you crazy".

I know that the answer to all of the above is YES. YES. YES,  - SO WHAT!
 My Guru, Ram Dass, said "it is all grist for the mill," what ever I do or have done is all a part of my experience here on this planet and if I tune in it will help me grow into the being I came to be!

Many years ago I made a chart that hung at the foot of my bed that read - PAIN ---------- POWER
                                                                                                                      FEAR ---------- LOVE
When I am  lost in the  fear I am in pain; when I tune into the truth and love and appreciate who I am,  I am in my power. Now that seems like a no brainer. Why do I choose to go to the fear?

One answer may be that is familiar, it is a fear that I know, if I go with the love it will take me into uncharted territory. There is an Irish saying that speaks to that ,(the devil you know is better than the one you don't), so then I ask myself why does it need to be a devil and why does it need to be scary?  

The only sensible answer is IT DOESN'T!!

So how do we stay in the love?

For me the first step is Awareness, being ever awake and aware of what I am thinking, closely monitoring my thoughts and changing them before they pull me down into the abyss of fear and pain.

Yoga and Meditation  are the tools I use to help me stay balanced and attuned to the love and the wonder and the beauty of this time and this place.

Yoga does not have to be a complicated thing. It can be as simple as finding a quiet spot and becoming still for a while, practicing some deep breaths, allowing yourself to relax.

I quiet my mind by breathing deep and repeating a mantra, such as, "I am happy, healthy, wealthy, wise, all is well." I repeat this until the chattering stops and I feel the peace.

Writing this blog is a part of my yoga practice. Whenever I sit at the computer the fear is waiting to grab me, what if I do it wrong, what if no one wants to read what I write? what if I make a grammatical error?


I invite you to join me in new adventures, whatever it is you fear know "YOU CAN DO IT" you can move through it and grow from it! YOU ARE POWERFUL  - YOU ARE A BLESSING TO THE WORLD. It is your life get on with it.

I share a poem I wrote January 1984


It's not always here!
Sometimes I awaken in the morning and it's gone -
Then sometime midst the day,
It stealthily slips in !

Sometimes I catch it before it
settles in - and send it out

Sometimes I welcome it with open arms
and revel in it, cuddle with it,
hold it closely to me

It protects me when it's here,
I am paralyzed
being paralyzed is pain -
but movement may be more painful!

Stay here fear
I don't want to move!

Fortunately I have come a ways since then, now I want to keep moving in the direction of better and better.

Yoga YaYa is on the move. Will you go with me into a world of LOVE?

Saturday, August 31, 2013


It is Amazing the way our fear keeps us captive.  What I have feared for years has come upon me.I have decided that it is time for me to enter the technology age. Since I see myself as a people person and not technically savvy I have backed myself into a very narrow corner and it is time to step out!
 I am moving on.  I am an intelligent 75 year old who can learn and do anything I set my mind to. I know this about me and I know this about you.
I invite you to join me in a new adventure into a world of CAN DO.

Step 1.- Ask yourself some questions?
Am I living the life I came to live?
Am I being who I came here to be?

Have I lost me in the quest to please them?
Our world is crying for change – pleading for help. If we are to help we MUST get honest with ourselves - step out of our comfort zone, move out to the razors edge and “transform our life by the renewing of our mind.”

Those are nice words and we hear them often they however will not do anything until we commit to a better way for ourselves.

That of course means change and change brings up every fear we ever had and all the fears of our family and friends.
 Now folks that is a heavy load of fear to try to juggle, So most of the time we simply stay where we are and try not to rock the boat. 
This strategy leads to frustration, alienations, disease and poor relationships with ourselves and others.

That leads us back to question #1 – Am I living the life I came here to live,-  if you are reading this blog and you have come this far that means you are a part of the “Family of Light” that came here to planet earth to be an instrument for change.  There are people waiting for you to step out and show a different way.
Remember you are a special and unique creation there is no other just like you

Take some time to get acquainted with the real you.
Contemplate these ideas –

To SEE and HEAR,                                                                                                                            
what is here, instead of what should be, was, or will be.

To SAYwhat one feels and thinks instead of what one should.
To FEEL what one feels, instead of what one ought.

To ASK for what one wants instead of always waiting for permission.
in one's own behalf instead of choosing to be only ‘secure’ and not rocking the boat.                                                                                                                                

Try it out for a day – and then a week -it is the beginning to being authentic.
Yoga Yaya works every day to live the plan and is always looking for company.