Wednesday, April 16, 2014


"Wolf medicine empowers the teacher within us all to come forth and aid the children of Earth in understanding the Great Mystery and life."

I ask myself, what is it I am to do? What is my purpose on this Earth plane? What is the purpose of the pain? This is an ongoing question in my life because my life, like yours, is constantly changing. Since this is a question that comes up often I have built an arsenal of tools to help me find the answers I seek. "MEDICINE CARDS" are one of those tools; today I turned to my "MEDICINE CARDS" and “WOLF” was my card of the day.

The first line under WOLF  is "TEACHER". It tells me WOLF medicine empowers the teacher within us all to come forth and aid the children of Earth in understanding the GREAT MYSTERY and life.

Now this is not a new message for me. I have been told numerous times my work here on earth is teaching, however, lately that which wants to come from me seems to be a bit radical, even for me!

Today my WOLF card was reversed, which tells me "I am being asked to expand my limited view of the present situation. Doing this may entail a great deal of courage and a willingness to look at new ideas. It could also require that you delete some old ideas to break room for the expansiveness that always comes when you are willing to learn. The gift of wisdom comes to you when you have walked enough pathways and found enough dead ends to truly know the forest. In the discovery and rediscovery of every inch of ground comes the knowledge that nothing ever remains the same."

Expand my limited view of the present situation, W0W! Now there is a concept! You mean, I should look at what's going on around me and see it differently?

I wonder when I forgot that everything is always working to move me in the direction of my highest and best good! That Good is synonymous with GOD.

When did I forget that this time on earth is all about learning how it works here on this planet.

I've always heard and followed the teaching, "We teach best what we most need to learn!" So I asked myself what is that I am to learn now? SELF says, not so much to learn, but to put into practice what you have already learned.

What I have learned is that to live is to grow, to grow is to change, and to change often is the key to peace. So why am I hesitating to speak about what seems true to me? My WOLF card says, "Stagnation or fear of asserting your viewpoint has bogged down the flow of change in your life."

I will admit that I have felt bogged down and even feared that I was being sucked under!

Then I must ask myself when have you ever let fear of saying what you think and feel keep you quiet? Well, I have all kinds of excuses, "I'm getting older, I don't need the hassle, I'll do it later when I feel better."

What I know is ,that the truth is, I will not feel better until I step out, step up and do, what I am here to do!

So hang with me as I explore the thoughts, the ideas that seem so radical:

1. You and I are unique and wonderful creations; we are perfect just the way we are.
2. We are here on planet Earth for a special reason.
3. We are to be the bringers of the Dawn, the Light of the world that the master teacher called us to be. 
4. Our mission is PEACE on Earth.

There that's not so difficult! The difficulty it seems, is this peace we speak of must begin with me, with you; we must find it within ourselves before we can share it with the world.

For me to be, at peace with me requires an acceptance of 1 through 4 above.

I believe the one that we struggle with the most is that we are unique and wonderful creations. That love is what we are!

When we allow ourselves to open and accept our oneness with all of creation then we feel the exhilaration of KNOWING our oneness with "ALL THAT IS“. This acceptance makes all the rest easy to understand.

This knowing does not come easy. It requires that we take some time out just for ourselves. Now that's a radical idea! It is also an idea whose time has come! You, like me, have too much on your plate. It is time for us to begin.

1.De-clutter our house as well as our mind.
2. Set aside time each day to be still and quiet, simply breathe
3. Let yourself be drawn to others who encourage your growth
4. Put space between you and those who would bring you down

If you are reading these words and you have read this far, then know that you are a part of the WOLF family. "WOLF” is the Pathfinder, the forerunner of new ideas who returned to the clan to teach and share medicine.”

Peace on earth begins as we are willing to step out, to speak out, to reach out. Our world is hurting WILL YOU HELP?


yoga YaYa

1 comment:

  1. Thank you for being courageous and sharing. <3, Meredith
