Wednesday, January 1, 2014


It’s a new year, so why not a new you?

Make a decision right now to get your butt out of your upholstered rut – step up and announce yourself in a new way, to a new world.

There is more to you than you have let show, there is more to you than even you know.

Your world is rapidly changing – spaceship earth is getting ready for take off – and you cannot travel with all the baggage you are carrying.

In her book, THE ONE DECISION, Judith Wright says,

  “TO embark on this glorious challenge, you must leave and jump away from the familiar, this status quo, to discover who you truly are and can be’’

This is indeed a scary challenge. it calls for change and our culture has taught us to avoid change, stay with what you know!  Even though we're not happy

with where we are, our fear paralyzes us and we keep on plodding along,  afraid to move into the unknown of who we might be.


You, however, have courage beyond your knowing it's time to step out, reach out, seek out, the you that’s waiting in the wings!


My new phrase is adopted from the scripture where Nehemiah was building the walls of Jerusalem and when he was being bothered or distracted, he said,

“I am doing a great work and I cannot come down.”

Where ever you are what ever you are doing you are doing a great work just by letting YOU shine through!

This is your year to shine, the world needs your light. Face your fear – Do something different  - color outside the lines – laugh at yourself – and most of all

love yourself.

Yoga Yaya and the world is waiting  to applaud you!