Saturday, June 21, 2014

You are the Artist

When your life seems overburdened and exhausting, too much to handle – it’s time to look and  see what brushes you have been painting with, what scenes you have been focusing on.

As a novice in the painting world I often find myself experimenting with brushes, with colors, and different strokes. In the world of living I'm not always so brave.

One artist I have studied uses a brush with two colors on it at the same time and she has marvelous results, that method does not work as well for me! So it is with our lives we must each discover our own satchel of tools and experiment with our own creating. Always remembering you are a free artist and can create in any medium that you choose, you are free to use any of the different styles colors designs, sizes, shapes, the choice is yours!

Would you like more pleasure in your life, more money, more love, greater health, loving supportive parents, spouse,friends, children, neighbors? Are you interested in a world of peace, power, and plenty? Then it's time to get out your satchel and begin to create the things you want in your world.

You are an artist and the world is your canvas, your mind is your tool for creating, your thoughts and your words are the brushes you use for your paintings.Paint your world Lush and growing and wonderful, full of peaceful, loving, happy, people and places things.

Now is the time and right where you are is the place. Begin right now!

I am here to serve you, if I can help let me know.


Yoga Yaya

I AM AN ARTIST My meditation this morning was focused on how can I use my talents to increase my income? I suspect that question is kind of a universal pondering in our world today. What was given to me was "you are an artist and people are your canvas! Your business is about helping people find the right tool in their satchel to create their bliss. Now I have been playing at painting off and on for several years, but I had never considered myself an artist. So, getting this message was a thrill as well as intimidating. It was similar to when I was ordained and could call myself a minister, it was only after five years of ministry that I found myself believing I was really a minister. It was the same with becoming a mother, it was after seven children, a paraplegic son, and many, many years later that I knew I was really mother. Looking at this from those perspectives I see that we are all artist and the world is our canvas and our beginning creations may not be anywhere like our later creation. As we change, so changes our level of perception and our ability to create more of what we really want to see and experience. I am beginning to realize with my painting that my brushes are way more important than I knew, so I am in the process of trying out brushes to see which ones serve me best, which ones will help me create a clearer picture of what I want to create. And with this outer realizations comes my inner acceptance that I am indeed an artist and so are you! I am an artist and my world is my canvas. My love is working with people and helping them discover the tools they have in their satchel that they can use to create their bliss and then follow their bliss and discover their full potential. Realizing that we are all here on this planet earth to create our own destiny it helps to accept that The Master Creator created us all, and our purpose is to create that which will bring us joy. As a beginner in the world of acrylic painting I find myself wondering which brushes I can use to create certain effects on the canvas. I find it is the same with choosing which brush to use in creating the next chapter in my life. One of the lessons that I've learned is that I can look at what I'm experiencing right now and that will tell me what scenes I have been painting.

I have also found that acrylic painting with acrylics is a very forgiving art, if I don't like what appears on the canvas I can quickly and easily paint over it and VOILA!!!  A new picture appears!

How about taking a look at your life, is it bringing you joy? Do you like what you see? Is it time for something new?

Remember you are the artist what you create is up to you

Won’t you join me in creating a world of peace! Remember it begins with you!

Love you lots


Saturday, June 7, 2014

This is a correction of the preceding blog entry


Have you heard of THE SEVEN WONDERS of the WORLD?

What are the seven wonders of the world? That seems like a simple question until you go to Google!

First we find The Seven most remarkable structures of ancient times; the Egyptian pyramids, the mausoleum erected by Artemisia at Halicarnassus, the Temple of Artemis at Ephesus, the hanging Gardens of Babylon, the Colossus of Rhodes, the statue of Zeus by Phidias at Olympia, and the Lighthouse at Alexandria.

Most of these I have never heard of and had some difficulty pronouncing.

But that’s not all!

There are also,

· Seven wonders of the modern world

· Seven natural wonders

· The new seven human made wonders

Did you ever wonder why these things are called wonders? And did you ever wonder who make these choices?

Obviously they did not ask me, I do indeed think there are many wondrous things in our world.

Having given birth to five children and worked as a laborer and delivery nurse for a few years and I can tell you birthing a child is an incredibly, awesome wonder!

When you see what a woman endures to bring that child into the world that is indeed a wonder!

Then when you see that woman willing to do it again What a Wonder!

The first time that baby looks at you and smiles!!! That my friend is a Wonder of the World!

Having birthed five of these Wonders I’m here to tell you the fact, that they survived me as their mother is another of the WONDERS of the WORLD

Reach out your hand and gently touch the back of your other hand. TO TOUCH, now gently stroke the back of your hand.

TO TOUCH - TO FEEL these are WONDERS of the WORLD!

I am speaking to you now and you are hearing me.

I stand before you and you see me

To SPEAK, TO HEAR, to SEE, are THESE wonderful - WONDERS of the WORLD?

To smell your favorite food simmering on your stove an Awesome Wonder.

To touch, to feel, to see, to hear, to smell, to taste these are wonders that are offered to us every day !

But the most wondrous of wonders is available to you right now



These are the Seven Wonders of the World I would like to find on Google!

Thanks for reading - tell me about a Wonder in your World,

Together we can make a difference!!

Yoga Yaya

Wednesday, June 4, 2014

Seven Wonders of the World

Have you heard of THE SEVEN WONDERS of the WORLD?

What are the seven wonders of the world? That seems like a simple question until you go to Google!

First we find The Seven most remarkable structures of ancient times; the Egyptian pyramids, the mausoleum erected by Artemisia at Halicarnassus, the Temple of Artemis at Ephesus, the hanging Gardens of Babylon, the Colossus of Rhodes, the statue of Zeus by Phidias at Olympia, and the lighthouse at Alexandria.

Most of these I have never heard of and had some difficulty pronouncing.

But that’s not all!

Did you ever wonder why these things are called wonders? And did you ever wonder who makes these choices?

Having given birth to five children and worked as a labor and delivery nurse for a few years I can tell you birthing a child is an incredibly, awesome wonder!

When you see what a woman endures to bring that child into the world that is indeed a wonder!

Then when you see that woman willing to do it again what a wonder!

The first time that baby looks at you and smiles !!! That my friend is a wonder of the world!

Having birthed five of these wonders I’m here to tell you the fact they survived me as their mother is another WONDER of the WORLD

Reach out your hand now gently touch the back of your other hand. TO TOUCH, not gently stroke the back of your hand. TO TOUCH - TO FEEL - these are WONDERS of the WORLD!

I am speaking to you now and you are hearing me.

I stand before you and you see me

To SPEAK, TO HEAR, to SEE, are THESE wonderful - WONDERS of the WORLD?

To smell your favorite food simmering on your stove is an awesome wonder.

To touch, to feel, to see, to hear, to smell, to taste: these are wonders that are offered to us every day!

But the most wondrous of wonders is available to you right now.