Wednesday, April 29, 2015



If I told you, “you are not all here? “

What if? I told you, “You are MISSING something IMPORTANT?”


Well that’s exactly what I’m telling you! You have become a slave to your past.

You are missing YOU!

You are not connected to you - I’m talking about the real YOU - THE AUTHENTIC YOU – the YOU - you came to be.

                HOW DID THIS HAPPEN??

 This disconnect began when you made your entry to planet Earth.


Even before you made your entry they were already making plans for who you were to be.

They began immediately telling you who you should be and who you should not BE - how you should act    not ACT.

   (Seen and not heard - nice and not naughty)


They even told you how you should and should not think! (Who do you think you are?)


This is how we all got buried in a big pile OF should - they should all over us and being quick learners we then began to should all over ourselves.


We have enslaved ourselves to someone else’s dreams, ideas, & wishes.


Dr. Martin Luther King said, “as long as the mind is enslaved the body can never be free.

Psychological freedom and a firm sense of self-esteem is the most powerful weapon against the long night of physical slavery.”


Self-esteem cannot be found when we are not being true to who we are.

                   ENOUGH is ENOUGH

I truly hope that I have offended you enough that you will push pause and take a serious look at your

Self – ask yourself is this really who I am??


 I believe it is time for you to be you - for you to be all you were created to be


I am suggesting that we get off the “should train,” that we change every should do, to a could do IF I wanted to!


You have my solemn problems that when you begin to be true to you, when you become the authentic you. There will be a wonderful change your life.


When you take this step to freedom people all around you will begin to change - this freedom will bring the peace you have been seeking and peace like a river will flow.


I would like to close with a quote from Thomas Jefferson “on matters of style, swim with the current. On matters of principle stand like a rock.”


Join me as an advocate TO PEACE by making it a principle to be you. We will not find peace in the world until we have made peace with our self.


There is no other like you in the entire universe.



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