Saturday, September 21, 2013

Dare To Dream

Remember when you were a kid and they told you to stop the day dreaming?
Well forget what they told you and begin to dream.  A few months ago  I found myself feeling depressed and listless, which is not my normal self. When I sat myself down and took some time to be still and ask myself what is going on? Self said “without a dream the people perish.” I realized I, for the first time ever, had lost my dreams. I was listening to a world that said I was too old, too slow, too tired, I was never going to be rich and famous!  I was never going to write a best seller book! I was never going to be a well known sought after speaker!
Thank God there was another voice that reminded me of what I had always known: that I can be and do whatever I set my mind to do! I was reminded of the words of Ellen Wheeler Wilcox, “Always continue the climb. It is possible for you to do whatever you choose, if you first get to know who you are and are willing to work with a power that is greater than ourselves to do it.”
The  words to become aware of in this statement are “first get to know who you are.” We are encouraged to get to know others; to listen carefully to what they say and to follow the advice of our elders and teachers and preachers etc. We are  told who we can be and who we can’t be. We are very seldom encouraged to be who we are. So I encourage you today to look beyond what you have been told. Hear the words of Walt Whitman, “Reexamine all that you have been told…..dismiss that which insults your soul.” When we begin to doubt the dreams that call to us we have indeed laid insult on our soul.

The limitations that we accept about ourselves have come from the people around us. We can change our life by believing only the best about our self.
The ninth commandment, “thou shalt not bear false witness,” is not just about how we talk to others, but also applies to how we talk about ourselves. Anytime we take on a label that is not the truth of who we are, we are bearing false witness to the truth of our being.
The truth about me and you is that we are an awesome creation, a powerful and wonderful creation. We can do all things through the power of our creator which dwells within us.
So let’s get busy and dream ourselves into a rich and wonderful, peaceful, loving world.
Remember the words in the song from “South Pacific”

, “ If you don’t have a dream, how you gonna make a dream come true?”

Join “Yoga Yaya” as we dream big and bigger and smile as our dreams come true.

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